Categories of Legal Separation Agreements

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Marriage is a wonderful thing; it’s one of the best things that can ever happen in couples’ lives. The bells are ringing and everything just seems to be great. You value the things that you have and live in a life filled with affection, passion, and happiness. Everything looks perfect because you have each other and nothing can tear you apart. Love is always in the air.

But sometimes, things can get out of hand. Some irreconcilable differences can emerge later in life and marriage could be in jeopardy. Many couples choose to divorce because they think it’s the best solution, while others decide to keep their marriage and just go for a legal separation.

Divorce and separation sound similar to most people, but in reality, they give you different legal status. Unlike in divorce, a separated couple remains legally married, though they might live in different houses. One of the important documents to lay down different issues is a separation agreement.

Most couples will assume that a separation agreement only applies to those who will be separated for an extended period. The document is important, regardless of your separation period. The following are some of the agreements a family law firm in Kent can help you get for your separation.


Mediated Agreement

This agreement is drafted in mediation. The process involves a mediator along with your lawyers who will help you and your spouse come up with an amicable settlement.  The eventual document is a reflection of your interests and those of your spouse under expert guidance.

This is a good option since an experienced professional acts as a mediator to avoid any conflict between parties. Most of the cases under mediated agreements end peacefully and successfully.

Divorce Agreement and Separation

Deed of Separation

This is reached at voluntarily between a husband and wife. It works for couples who have no friction and are dedicated to making their separation work. A deed of separation sets out your separation privileges and duties and includes the specific timeframe of your separation. The process that reaches a deed of separation is a negotiation one and there are no demands contained in this document.

Judicial Separation Agreement

If you don’t agree with your spouse on the conditions in a deed of separation, then a judicial separation agreement becomes the solution. Getting this document, however, has several stipulations. One of you should have abandoned the other for not less than a year or behaved unreasonably, among other conditions set by your state.

The above agreements might seem like an unnecessary waste of resources and time. However, they give you a legal backing for spousal support and sometimes inheritance if your spouse passes away during the separation period. As you take time out and try to save your marriage, ensure you are sufficiently covered by a separation agreement.

During a difficult time such as a divorce or a separation, it is ideal to enlist the help of a professional who has experience in dealing with situations like yours. Doing so will take some of the burdens off your shoulder and give you peace of mind.