
Life After College: Landing the Right Job After Graduation

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Looking for a job at any age is not always easy. However, according to several surveys and studies, fresh college graduates aged 20 to 24 years old are in a much better position of getting hired compared to degree holders who are 25 years and above.

If you’re a college graduate and you wish to immediately get started on your career, we have listed a few ways below that will help you land the job that you want.

10 Ways to Get the Right Job after Graduating

1. Connect with people

Ideally, throughout the years spent in college, you should have built a network of people that you can tap anytime for whatever assistance you need. In this case, your connections can help lead you to some open doors in the pursuit of your dream job or career. Since 80% of jobs are not widely advertised, start asking those in your network for possible leads and referrals.

2. Follow-up.

One of the most common mistakes job hunters make is to wait for a reply from an employer or recruitment personnel about their application. Take a more proactive position and follow-up on the application status within five working days of sending in your application papers.

3. Do your homework.

When it comes to job hunting, knowing what companies are looking for can be a great advantage to you. Find out what these companies and employers want by looking for at least 10 job descriptions and find out what the most common things are in all of them. Take note of these qualities and skills and which ones you possess so that you can highlight them in your cover letter, resume, and interview.

4. Use your spare time to volunteer.

Volunteering isn’t just about giving back to the community but it can also give you additional skills and knowledge that you might find useful in your career. It’s also a great way to meet new people — even employers — and see if they can give you a few leads. Plus, it also looks great on your resume and character profile

5. Try expanding your search.

One of the things that make job hunting for college graduates difficult is that they are quite limited in their options, whether it’s by choice or they just don’t know any better. Do some research and try to expand your horizon. There might be an opening for the company you want to work with but it might require you to move to another city or state.

In other cases, you might need to take on jobs that have nothing to do with your career goals. That’s not to say that you won’t get your dream job ever but plenty of instances have proven that these job openings lead to opportunities that will get you closer to the career that you want.

Don’t limit yourself to what you know and where you’re comfortable. Growth and breakthrough will only happen if you learn to step out of your comfort zone.

job application

6. Go face-to-face with employers.

If you have opportunities to meet with employers face to face in campus interviews, networking events, and job fairs, don’t let those chances slip through your fingers. A well-composed resume is still no match for an in-person meeting and conversation.

In most cases, these face-to-face meetings give employers a better idea of whether a candidate is fit for the job or not.

7. Create a blog or personal website.

Having your own blog or website is a good way to build your own brand. It also gives potential employers some sort of sneak peek into the kind of person you are and what your thought processes are. It’s a good way to get on the radar of employers especially when you discuss things that are related to the industry you want to break into.

8. Connect with and get counsel from your college career center.

Even if you’ve already graduated from university, you can still take advantage of the services of your college career center, especially if you’ve built good relationships with the people who work there. You can ask them for advice or get them to check your resume and cover letters and give you feedback. They could even give you practical tips on how to set career goals and come up with steps on how to accomplish them.

9. Keep a close eye on your LinkedIn account.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn account yet, you need to create one. It is where a lot of employers and recruiters spend time looking for candidates. If you’re still in college or are a fresh grad, you might want to spend more time on LinkedIn than your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram if you want to get a job soon. Be sure to keep all your information accurate and updated.

10. Take up a part-time job.

Although taking up a part-time job may seem counterintuitive as you look for a full-time job, it can help tide you over until you get hired. It’s also a great avenue to enhance both your soft and hard skills which is always impressive to potential employers and recruiters. Plus, it can help build strong ethics that you will need for full-time employment.

Job hunting isn’t easy but if you have a plan and you surround yourself with the right people, you will eventually get the job that’s right for you.

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