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Build a Better Business With These Free Startup Tools

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Some aspects of business are worth the investment. Among these worthwhile endeavors are: hiring qualified, professional staff members, effective SEO services, and the right workspace. After all, you won’t be able to focus on planning for success if your Boston office isn’t comfortable or inviting.

These examples, as well as a few other procedures and necessary costs, like registering your domain and purchasing office equipment, can make running a startup feel like an expensive undertaking. Fortunately, you can minimize some operational costs with the help of programs and applications that are available for free (or at low costs).

Below is a rundown of the best tools every type of startup can use.

1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a goldmine of helpful functions, especially for startups. Without paying for anything, you can find recruits, network with industry professionals, and build an audience on this platform. As long as your profile or your business’s is polished and you publish insightful content regularly, you’ll gain useful contacts through LinkedIn.

2. WordPress

One of the most important things a 21st-century business must have is a website and WordPress is a great platform to build it on. With its easy-to-use interface, more than 50,000 plugins, and great templates, it’s no wonder over 75 million websites are using WordPress. What’s more, most of the functions are free without compromising their performance.

3. Skype

This one’s for the highly mobile startups that need to be connected all the time. Skype allows you to make free calls, conduct video conferences, host meetings, and has many other useful communication functions. With these free services all on one platform, you can significantly cut your phone bills and enjoy the convenience of a free communication tool wherever you are.

4. MailChimp

By 2022, half of the world’s population is projected to have an e-mail account, so it’s the best time to tap into your market through e-mail. MailChimp lets you do that with its free e-mail marketing service. With beautifully-designed campaigns, data analysis, and nonintrusive contact management, MailChimp gives you the e-mail marketing essentials you need. You won’t have to spend on different marketing tools to reach your audience.

5. Canva

Pleasing, flawless designs in marketing campaigns and social media posts are essential for startups. Great design makes people stop, look, and notice your brand. However, not everyone has the talent to create eye-catching designs. Instead of hiring a graphic designer when you’re just beginning, why not utilize Canva instead? It offers a free suite of design tools that are perfect for creating social media posts, infographics, and ads.

6. Wave

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To turn your startup into a successful venture, you need to have your financial records clear and secure. Wave can help you do this. It is one of the best accounting solutions for small businesses, packed with functions that you would typically pay for in other accounting programs. Wave tracks your expenses, income, and taxes and it also lets you create invoices and receipts, all for free.

All these tools are beneficial for small businesses and startups looking to cut operational costs without compromising the actual work. From hiring and marketing to communication and design, these free tools have your business operations covered.

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