Common Problems and Solutions When Moving to Salesforce

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Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It is the most preferred CRM platform by large companies. More than 100,000 companies around the world use this software to develop stronger consumer-business relationships and more effective sales strategies. It is cloud-based, which increases ease of use for its users. It allows for a high degree of customization, which makes Salesforce a popular choice for businesses. If your business has decided to move to this CRM from another CRM, then these are some common problems it might face. We also discuss potential solutions to these problems.

1. Implementing it without understanding how it should be used

The new CRM is usually implemented in a company without any plans for the future. It is important to understand that Salesforce can reach its full potential only if it is implemented in all departments of your company at once. It needs to be fed with data from your sales segment. But without all departments integrating, it will not significantly alter the way you do business.

Solution: You should consult a Salesforce consulting company before deciding to implement the CRM. Make a road map for how it should be used, and consult with various department heads about it. Stick to the road map in a coordinated fashion.

2. Poor employee training

Group of young people in training course

Big changes happening overnight in a workplace can throw off a lot of employees, especially ones who have been working there for a long time. You might find, once the CRM has been implemented, that some employees are not using it the way it should be used. This could be due to unfamiliarity, a lack of understanding, or even a resistance to change. But in order to be successful, the program needs to be used for everything.

Solution: This problem can be solved by carrying out employee training during the implementation. Strict guidelines and procedures should be established so that employees know exactly how to use Salesforce and its various features.

3. Miscellaneous problems with international usage

Employees discussing company's graphs and numbers

If all departments in your company are not on board with Salesforce implementation, you will find that you are facing data gaps. This may also be caused by problems within your data gathering infrastructure. If your company needs to follow data protection guidelines, then you cannot use the CRM effectively. Another problem associated with international usage might be that you realize that the data centers are far from your international location. This may cause some service delays, lag, interruption, or reduced support.

Solution: If your business has international locations, make sure that you are well-versed in local law before making the expensive decision to move to change your business’ CRM. Take the advice of your legal team and outside consultants, and do the proper research on data center and service availability near you.

Overall, a good CRM is a powerful tool to implement in your business. You can harness the power of big data and make your business more profitable with the well-planned rollout of such a tool.

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