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Create an Impressive Office without Spending Too Much

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Clients will always judge you by the office that you keep. Whiteleys Office Furniture will say the same. This is why you want to have a great office to show off to them. Most business owners hesitate because of potential costs. But making your office look good is an investment that can pay off quickly. Plus, you don’t even need to spend that much. Here are a few tips on how you can make your office look impressive without spending that much.

Start With the Reception

Professional office interior design services will always emphasize those first impressions last. This is why they emphasize a good reception area for your office. The only reason why you shouldn’t have a reception area is that you have too little space. Even then, you will want someone to greet people coming in. An office is not your home, and people should not be walking in without being greeted.

Have a few chairs ready for clients and something for them to read or watch while they wait. You might also add a few pieces of décor to make it a bit more welcoming.

Put the Clutter Away

You should always get rid of the clutter. You either throw it away or put it in storage in the back. Getting rid of clutter ensures that clients see a clean, organized office when they walk past. No stray computer equipment lying around, no useless paper making a mess — it is not only clutter you should get rid of. Encourage employees to organize their desks so they look cleaner and more put together.

Paint the Walls

One of the cheapest ways to decorate your office is to just get a new coat of paint. Changing the color of the walls is very effective in making your office look unique. There are no rules that limit offices to white or brown walls. You can go for something light like pastels to help ease the feelings of everyone in your office. Good light green can help people deal with eyestrain. Plus, it gives your office a unique feel. All of that for a few dollars and some extra work on the weekend.

Change the Lights

bright office spaceMost offices have standard fluorescent lights. That is a big mistake. These are too bright and harsh for work. You want to reduce the chances of eyestrain so you will want to pick out good LED lights. These are bright enough, and they also save you energy. Expect a lower electric bill in the future, along with relaxed employees.

It’s not just the lights from the ceiling you will need to concern yourself with. Try to bring in natural light as much as possible. It is healthier and better for your employees’ moods. Put up some large windows with some coating to help fight the glare, and you’re set.

Clean Up the Floor

The flooring of your office should not be dirty and grimy. Have a regular cleaner come in. But besides that, you’ll want to lay down some decent flooring to cover that concrete. No need to get fancy with wood either. Just lay down some good carpeting, and you should be fine.

Your office décor doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars to get results. With the tips above, you should be able to make your office look good without breaking the bank. The next time you have clients over, your office will be sure to get an appreciative look or two.

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