Reaching Out: Creating Customer Connections Online

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Nowadays, a company must connect with its customer base. With the rise of social media and instant communication, they expect more openness from a business. However, being open has its risks. For example, many customers will often avoid a company’s products if they disagree with the stance that it has taken in the public arena. Effective communication can ensure that you position your business correctly when it comes to public opinion. Here are some ways to communicate effectively with your customer base.

Start With Social Media

The most obvious method nowadays for connecting with your customer base is social media. Presence on the various channels can allow your company to create a public face for itself and interact with customers. However, it is not just making an account and posting occasionally. You have to be more proactive and engage with them. This requires a bit of an investment and some training. A mistake on social media can quickly become a PR disaster.

For example, it is easy to say the wrong thing on social media in the heat of the moment. Avoid that by ensuring that all responses are checked before being posted. You might not even notice that something is wrong to post until after the outrage.

Write Your Blog

Besides the usual social media platform, your company should also start a blog. It might seem outdated considering the existence of social media, but it provides a more substantial way to get your message across to customers. Instead of short 140-character posts, they are shown well-written and long articles that discuss various things. It is also a perfect way to showcase what a business can do.

For example, Harvey & Hugo Ltd is a PR company, and it shows in their blog, Harv-e-news, which is maintained by the company’s editor-in-chief. It showcases company projects and achievements. Potential customers can see what the company has done, and current customers appreciate the spotlight. Your company can do this, too. It doesn’t even have to be a written blog. A video blog can be just as effective with a short video piece every week.

writing a blog

Send Out E-mails In A Smart Way

One of the oldest ways to connect with customers is by sending them mail. While snail mail brochures are rarely seen, e-mail promos are very common. But a lot of people delete these messages because they consider them spam. A better way to approach it is by only offering e-mails to your mailing list.

When a customer purchases your product, give them the option to sign up. You already know that they are interested in what you have to offer so there is a lower chance that they’ll reject your e-mails. Additionally, they might like promos and deals that you will include in your e-mail blasts.

Ask Your Customers’ Opinions With Surveys

The most direct way of learning what customers think is to ask them directly. Surveys are an effective method for this. There are various channels in which you can send out your questions. A simple survey questionnaire should be easy to answer.

Besides that, you can also arrange for surveys through online ads and even phone calls. The important thing is what to do with the data. Survey analysis can be tricky, so you’ll need to hire someone to analyze the results. A good analyst can also help in surveying so that you ask the right questions to reveal the information that you’re looking for.

Go Out And Meet Customers

Finally, going out and having company events to meet the customers can be a good idea. There is nothing like meeting with people face-to-face to ensure good information. Ask them about their experience with your products and learn more about what they want.

Being a visible face for the business can reassure your customer base. It makes the company feel less of a faceless corporation. But it does mean that you have to behave properly during public meetings. You might also face angry customers if they are disappointed in your service or product, so be ready for it.

Some of these methods are very simple, while others require more effort. However, it is a good idea to combine multiple communication channels in your campaign to reach out to your customer base. This allows you to better understand how people think and ensures that you reach as many of them as possible. It will not be easy, so you should start working on it as soon as possible.

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