fire extinguisher

Crucial Employee Skills Your Company Needs More Than You Realize

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When employers assess applications, they tend to focus on the candidates’ industry- and job-specific skills, and some soft skills like problem-solving and time management. But in the information age, anyone can gain hard and soft skills easily and quickly. All it takes is an internet connection and Google. Social media may even help.

That is to say, candidates with a solid skillset are no longer rare gems like they used to be. Sure, not everyone can read computer codes or perform DNA sequencing, but job candidates have acquired those incredible skills in school. The skills we’re going to discuss below, on the other hand, aren’t normally taught in school but are essential in this day and age.

If your employees don’t currently possess these skills, you can train them online with the aid of reputable institutions such as Careskills Academy. And moving forward, find the candidates who already have any of these skills because they’re going to help your company be a safer place with a healthier culture:

1. First Aid

Workplace injuries aren’t uncommon. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 2.9 million workplace injuries and health problems occurred in the private sector as of 2018. While none were fatal in those incidents, the alarming number of cases can hurt the workforce morale, and cost your business millions of dollars in lost productivity and damages.

first aid kit

Hence, training your employees in first aid is crucial. When accidents happen, you shouldn’t have to wait for paramedics to treat the injured person. Skilled in first aid care, your employees can act as the first responders if a co-worker gets hurt. They may even save a life.

Training employees in first aid also eliminates the stress that arises if a workplace accident happens. As a result, you and your whole organization can maintain your calm and peace of mind during high-tension situations. You can also rest assured that your trained employees are confident in their skills, and not simply guessing if what they’re doing is right.

You can hold your first aid training during a company excursion or seminar. It’ll be a perfect opportunity to also boost the camaraderie of your organization. When everyone is assured that their co-workers will care for them if they get hurt, trust will be formed and friendships will deepen.

2. Fall Awareness and Prevention

If your employees aren’t trained in first aid, at least give them fall awareness and prevention training. For many, preventing falls can mean the difference between life and death.

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, hundreds of workers die each year due to falls. Construction workers are the most vulnerable since their workplaces are plagued with fall hazards like ladders and scaffolding. But offices, stores, factories, and other work settings can be just as hazardous.

Start your training by gathering your organization for an event, such as a seminar, then list down all the fall hazards in your office you can identify. Usually, those are wires, slippery floors, uneven tiles, stairs, and platforms or seams on the floor that’s not very visible. Then put up a fall hazard sign near each risky area. As for the wires, keep away from walkways. When the floor has just been mopped, put a “Slippery Floor” or “Wet Floor” sign to warn employees, clients, or guests.

3. Fire Safety

fire alarm

Employees shouldn’t just be instructed to leave a burning building. They should also know how to avoid a fire and to identify fire hazards in the first place.

Train your employees to keep their own workstations clutter-free and devoid of combustibles. If you have a coffee machine, oven toaster, microwave, other fire-prone appliances, keep them away from flammable objects. Regularly remind everyone to avoid overloading electric outlets and extension cords. And most importantly, keep your fire exits free of obstructions.

With your employees skilled in fire safety, you can minimize the fire risks in your workplace, even if you deal with flammable products.

4. LGBTQ+ Awareness

Inclusivity and diversity are expected in every workplace today. No one has an excuse to alienate queer employees. Gender discrimination is illegal, to begin with.

Still, many employers and employees are still uninformed about the whole gender spectrum. The LGBTQ+ community isn’t limited to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers. There are also gender-fluid people as well as asexuals, demisexuals, and more. By expanding your organization’s knowledge about the LGBTQ+, your workplace can become a safer place for people of all gender identities.

5. Mental Health Awareness

Having a mental-health-friendly workplace is the secret to happy and lasting employees. Increasing mental health awareness is particularly important for employers and managers. When they understand the impact of overworking and stress on an employee’s mental health, they can adjust their expectations to make them more realistic. And more importantly, they can develop greater empathy.

With your employees gaining these skills, they’ll thrive even more in today’s world, and be more sensitive and compassionate toward others. After all, being a good person is always more important than achievements and position titles.

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