a brain surgeon

Don’t Let a Brain Injury Bog a Loved One Down

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A brain injury ranks among the worst that you can sustain, explains Los Angeles’ top lawyers. Life is never the same for the patient, and depending on the severity of the injury, they might be permanently impaired. An estimated 2.8 million Americans suffer from traumatic brain injuries annually.

About 2.5 million of these survivors receive treatment and are discharged from the emergency room. A further 282,000 sustain injuries that require hospitalization, while over 50,000 succumb to their injuries.

Dealing with such a situation can take a toll on the victim as well as their loved ones. Here are some useful pointers to help you cope with a traumatic brain injury in the family.

1. Be patient.

Since the brain is a fairly complex organ, the injuries tend to be diverse with unpredictable side effects. As such, it’s quite difficult to anticipate the impact such an injury will have on the survivor. As a caregiver to such a patient, you need to cultivate patience and understanding when dealing with them.

Persons with brain injuries often experience personality shifts, memory problems, and emotional liabilities that makes them a tad too much to handle. It calls on you to be more loving, caring, and supportive of them as in most cases, this is beyond their control.

2. Structure their days.

Unless your loved one is bedridden, you need to give their day a sense of structure. Attempt to restore normalcy in their days while helping them to relearn their skills.

In a hospital environment, the medical staff has an established routine, and this helps to keep patients busy and engaged, which is essential for recovery. You shouldn’t just stash them in a room and leave them to their devices.

A lack of activity or company can have your loved one slipping into depression, loneliness, or isolation, which may affect their health negatively.

Depending on how frail their condition is, you can take them for a walk around the neighborhood or to the park. The change of environment gives your loved one something to look forward to, which is essential in uplifting their moods.

3. Remodel the house for accessibility.

Accessibility is one of the biggest challenges that people face when a member of their household suffers from an injury. Suddenly the two steps lead to the sunken living room becomes a barrier for them to get around. Your loved one can no longer get around the house unassisted.

brain surgery

They can no longer access the bathroom or even the yard by themselves. Restructuring the house to accommodate their special needs can go a long way in making their life easier. Access ramps and handicap bathrooms will help them get around on their own, which has an empowering effect on them.

Dealing with a traumatic brain injury in the family can take a considerable emotional, physical, and financial toll. With the help of seasoned brain injury lawyer, you successfully pursue compensation from the parties responsible and ease your financial burden. Getting a sizable settlement can help provide your loved one with a good quality of life.

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