
Fool-proof Strategies to Protect Your Business Assets Against Security Risks

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Having a business involves managing a huge amount of important paper works, such as cheques, legal documents, records, marketing data, and customer information. Besides these physical assets and documents, even your online data can be an attractive target for hackers and thieves.

As a business owner who worked hard for the company, it is your responsibility to protect everything you have built. This includes securing every part of your digital and physical assets. When left unchecked, you expose the company to several risks that can cause widespread damages to your business.

There are plenty of security risks that can jeopardize a business. Some risks incur costly damages, while others can pose a threat to your operations. To prevent these security risks, here are some preventative measures you can take to secure your business.

Create a highly secured office space

If you are not confident about your location’s safety, invest in a security system or work with a security servicing company, such as EZ Switch. A company like this offers custom security systems, from panic buttons, burglar alarms, CCTV, video management systems, and centralized access control management.

Invest in modern security systems, such as an alarm system that can sense, decide, and act on any threat. Pick one that notifies nearby authorities about potential intruders. Installing security cameras also helps in times of crime or incident. But make sure to pick the best location to install the cameras to make sure no one knows they are being watched.

Aside from installing security systems, modify your office by making it an unattractive place to conduct any form of crime. Installing indoor and outdoor lights can deter burglars from entering. According to Crime Lab New York, increased lighting levels led to a 36% decrease of index crimes, such as assault, robbery, and property crimes.

Your office should also be spacious enough so everyone can see what each one is doing. So whether an employee or visitor walks into the office, everyone can easily acknowledge them.

The landscape arrangement also plays a role in conducting theft. As much as possible, there should be no bushes, shrubs, or hanging branches blocking the windows or doorway. For the entry points, make sure every door and window comes with properly installed padlocks and deadbolts to keep the office secured when you are away.

Ensure a safe cyber environment


There are plenty of steps you can take to keep your business safe from cyber threats. The best way to start is to secure your server. To protect company and customer information, limit the entry points to your online data. You can also limit the data access to authorized employees, keep offline backups of important documents, and set up firewalls.

Emails are also potential causes of cybercrime. Installing software that scans potential viruses and dangerous links in your email is a great way to prevent hackers from entering your system. You should also educate the employees on how to detect scams and suspicious emails.

Aside from email, your company’s social media network is also vulnerable to threats. Creating a social media policy ensures proper dissemination of company information. The policy should educate employees on creating appropriate content for your website and social media pages.

Discouraging the use of easy passwords will also prevent hacking. You can use a password management system or two-factor authentication to ensure the safety of all valuable data. Installing strong anti-virus software also helps in detecting potential threats.

Develop strict hiring practices

When hiring, many companies have ignored the importance of the application process. Hiring new employees comes with many risks since you are entrusting your business operations to strangers. Developing strict hiring practices ensures you are hiring reliable and trustworthy employees.

During the interview process, ask questions to provide an overview of the applicant’s character and behavioral traits. You can also investigate their online presence by checking their social media accounts. There is nothing wrong with using social media in the hiring process since it has been an increasing HR community trend.

Also, don’t forget to check the accuracy of the resume. You can do this by comparing the consistency of the application results, such as reference checks, character examination, and background checks.

For extra security, assigning a floor marshal or guards is an effective way to protect your business against intruders. Since it is difficult to recognize applicants and visitors who come to your office, having someone accommodate these people can prevent unauthorized activities.

Adopting strict security measures may seem a lot of effort and expense, but they can make a big difference for your business. Many business owners have destroyed their businesses because they failed to adopt a strong security policy. Get started today to prevent the same thing from happening to you.

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