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How to Keep Your Nonprofit Afloat During a Health Crisis

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The COVID-19 pandemic is still at large around the world. And although highly-effective vaccines are now available, it’ll take a while before a significant portion of the population gets their much-needed shots. Plus, new strains of the virus are also being discovered. This situation may continue to bleed into the first few quarters of 2021. Apart from being a danger to public health, crises like this are difficult for organizations, whether they’re for-profit or not-for-profit.

Now that people are wary about going out, it’s difficult to find ways for your nonprofit to get the resources and funds it needs to stay afloat. There are millions of nonprofit organizations in the world. Most of them have very little budgets and resources, even if they do have important missions to complete. Your organization is vital to the community you’re helping. You should do what you can to keep it afloat so you can reach out further and provide assistance to people in need of it.

Here are ways to keep your nonprofit afloat during these trying times.

Adapt to the Health Standards

The first thing you should always do during a health crisis like a pandemic is to follow the protocols that health experts provide. The last thing you want is for your nonprofit to be forcibly closed down due to non-compliance, or worse, because someone got infected in your place of business.

For the current pandemic, the guidelines include keeping a distance of six feet from each other, wearing face masks when going outside, doing frequent handwashing, and regularly cleaning and disinfecting work surfaces. If you’re not sure about what you need to do, consult your local government for the updated guidelines.

Get Cozy With Remote Work

In pandemics like this, social distancing is vital, as the virus can easily spread through an infected person’s respiratory droplets. They release these droplets every time they cough, sneeze, or talk. If you want to reduce the chances of transmission among your employees and clients, create a remote work policy.

Remote work is best for administrative, back-of-the-counter roles. Create rules for submitting work through email or file-sharing services. Set meetings on video conferencing applications like Google Meet and Skype. Track employee attendance through cloud HR applications. Switching to a remote work setup may be a challenging change for some workers, but it’s necessary to ensure that everyone stays safe.

person working

Get Help From Other Foundations and Governments

If your nonprofit is running out of resources, there are a variety of ways that you can find funding. Do your research and look for government grants that offer loans to small businesses and nonprofits. The recent paycheck protection program provided forgivable loans for a limited amount of time.

Different foundations that provide nonprofits with monetary assistance in times like these. Work with a grant writing coaching company to increase your chances of your grant getting approved.

Make Fundraisers and Collections Digital

Because you can’t host events that guests can physically attend, you need to think of ways to make your fundraisers digital. If you usually work with artists, have them perform from their own premises through video call and livestream the video on your website or social media page.

As for collections, have donors deposit cash directly into your company’s online bank account or payment applications like Venmo or CashApp.

Health crises, like the recent pandemic, are tough not only for the people they affect, but also for businesses and nonprofit organizations. Make a variety of adjustments so that your organization survives. Social distancing, remote working, getting help from governments and fundraisers, and using digital solutions for fundraisers are all necessary methods to ensure your nonprofit stays afloat.

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