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Looking Forward in Business: What Should Be Included in a Business Continuity Plan?

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Anything can happen in the world of business. One day, the business is thriving, and at the peak of its industry. Then the next thing we know here comes economic recessions or even unexpected disasters that can create an impact on your business. In the worst cases, it can lead to bankruptcy and closure.

These are some of the major reasons why business owners should consider availing business continuity management consulting services. For one thing, having a backup plan is important even in our daily lives. The same principle applies to create an effective business plan.

Components of a business continuity plan

One important reason all businesses should have a continuity plan is to avoid any delays in a business’ operation. A business continuity plan (BCP) usually includes necessary action steps to be taken in case of emergencies, including unexpected disasters and economic recessions.

All business types and structures, whether operating directly or by outsourcing, should have BCPs as part of their business backup plan. Among important components that should be included in a BCP include dealing with communication and technical issues. Aside from that, a BCP should also include managing manpower, financial, and other operational aspects of the business in the event of unexpected circumstances.

In creating a business plan, you should consider both short-term and long-term objectives. Recovery from an unexpected recession or a disaster may take some time, so it is best to look ahead and plan for the next year or so.

Major steps in business continuity

Business delays can mean profit and revenue loss. It can affect your business as a whole and even lead to bankruptcy. That is why all businesses should have a business continuity plan as a way to anticipate the unexpected. It is usually comprised of four major steps.

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Business impact analysis

This involves identifying the most vital functions in the business, including the resources and processes needed to operate.

Recovery strategy

This step requires coming up with multiple strategies to recover the identified critical business processes and functions.

Plan development

This step involves coming up with a framework and assembling a team to implement the continuity plan in case the unexpected happens.

Training and exercises

Before the implementation, it is important that these action steps are tested to ensure it will be implemented without issues when that time comes.

Other steps to ensure business continuity

There are simple steps businesses can do to ensure continuity. Here are some tips for doing so.

  • Make sure to back up your important files and documents. Preferably, use a cloud-based system to store important data and information that are crucial in your business operations.
  • Consider having an email continuity solution. There may be times that you might miss important emails due to server or internet delays, which is why having one can be an important investment in your business.
  • Allot a good amount of budget in your IT services. This will be a critical tool in implementing your business continuity plan in the future.
  • Education is key, and all staff should be aware of all company plans and encourage them to participate in brainstorming for the BCP.

We can never tell when disasters or any unpleasant circumstances may strike. That is why it is important to have a continuity plan to ensure that business operations continue despite any unexpected instances in life.

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