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Employees’ Delight: Outing Ideas That Can Please Your Employees

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Corporate events are important if you want to build a culture inside your company. It has been known that the more engaging a corporate event is, the more likely employees will learn something from it. This is why training events effectively increase productivity because they are among the most engaging corporate events out there.

However, another corporate event that is engaging on its own is a business outing. Business outings, when done right, can be a cheap investment into your employee’s future because a happy and satisfied employee is likely to stay in your company for years to come. Here are some awesome business outing ideas that your company should try.

Sports Outing

Many Americans love sports. It’s estimated that around 154 million Americans watch live sports. If you had those who watch them online through video streaming sites, you have more than half the entire population watching sports. Many businesses have taken this to their advantage and have given their employees free tickets to live sports events near their area. However, since sports events are pretty much canceled or limited until the pandemic subsides, you’re limited to live streams.

You can set up your sports outing event by renting an audiovisual room. This can also be your office’s conference room if you have one. Everything can be homemade, from the meals to the snacks you have during this outing. You can watch different sports that your employees enjoy watching. You can also watch some e-sports if your employees are young and into video games. It’s a simple outing, but its intimate set-up will surely give you time to interact with your employees and get to know them better.

To The Beach!

Everybody loves the beach. The sun, the sea, and the cold cocktails are served. It’s one of the most common company outings out there that never seems to fail. So if you want to spice it up a bit and have the budget for it, why not rent a luxury yacht for your next beach outing? It’s not all that expensive considering that you’re only going to use it for a day, and many websites offer discounts on it all the time.

Once again, the food you serve can all be homemade. It can also be a pot-luck experience where people can bring food that everyone else can enjoy. The company only has to pay for the yacht. Everything else can come from its employees. This can drastically reduce the cost and also show off some cooking talents your employees might have.

Go Karaoke

Is your company on a budget when it comes to outings? Then try out a simple karaoke night with your employees. Karaoke is a popular activity in many businesses found in Asia. It’s a simple event centered on singing, dancing, and music, and it can be done in the comfort of your office. Various YouTube channels can be utilized for this, and you only need a speaker and some snacks if you want this event to be perfect. It’s a cheap event but one that will be remembered for years to come. You can do it as often as you like, too!



Volunteering is a common company outing for big companies like Starbucks. This kind of company outing is usually in line with your business goals to be community-driven. There are many ways you can do this. One of the most common ways is to be a part of a feeding program from organizations like Feeding America. If your employees are more interested in the environment, then you can go tree planting instead. These outreach programs can certainly teach your employees a thing or two about empathy, and they will surely remember this experience for years to come.

Laser Tag

Laser tag is becoming a popular sport for many companies out there. It’s because laser tag is both interactive and engaging at the same time. The sport is quite similar to airsoft, but you don’t need a big investment into equipment and gear to set up this event. Many event coordinators offer this service to companies, and all you have to do is pay them for it. So if you have some budget to spend, you should consider laser tag for your next company outing. It’ll surely help teach your employees about teamwork and communication.

Here are some awesome company outing ideas you should try. These aren’t all that expensive either since it’s all about participation. Let your employees participate in company outings, let them bring their own share, because more likely than not, they are willing to do it. It’s one way they can show your company culture’s love and another way for them to show their talent.

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