woman holding rose next to coffin

Saying Your Final Farewell the Way You’ve Always Wanted

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Losing a loved one can be personally tragic and overwhelming. The cost of a funeral is increasing in the UK, but many families always consider a worthy sendoff as a crucial part of saying farewell to a loved one. A life policy, revocable trust funds and burial insurance gives the grieving family peace of mind during such a difficult time.

Here are some of the following policies that you could choose to take if you want to save your family from pain and grief, and even help them when you eventually say your final farewell.

Life Insurance

woman holding an insurance contractLife insurance requires regular payment of an annual premium so the contractual agreements of the policy will be made available to the policyholder’s family. The policyholder shields loved ones through a prepaid funeral and burial package from the unexpected funeral payments upon death. The family would not need to worry about the funeral arrangements and even the burial service.

Different service providers will provide different policies and offer distinct added advantages. Some require enlisting one of their directors as a beneficiary while others don’t. The director (if named) is required to take over all the arrangements and the organization of the funeral. All of these are to help the grieving family focus on their loss.

Revocable Trust

This option presents a contractual agreement where one contributes towards their funeral expenses usually in installments. The funeral service then deposits the contribution in an interest-bearing account from which monies accumulated will be used for the policyholder’s funeral costs upon death. You can fund a revocable trust with cash or bonds, but a life insurance is also acceptable. You can change a revocable funeral trust at any time, and you can also revoke the trust before it matures.

The director who is the elected trustee is mandated with ensuring the contributor gets a respectful sendoff. The planning and organization of the funeral solely lie with the funeral home, so the family can rest assured that all is taken care off. The director can also involve the family in this process considering that this option requires that the contributor leave a detailed funeral plan. This guide helps the family to fulfill the wishes of the deceased in a more organized and less stressful manner.

Burial Insurance

There are many instances where the deceased was the sole provider, and unfortunately, the family can barely make ends meet following their death. Such occurrences have given rise to the development of burial insurance. When this insurance reaches maturity (or upon the insurer’s death), the beneficiaries receive a payout they can use however they deem fit. These monies, an act of love for one’s family even in death, assist in the maintenance of family affairs. Death is inevitable and beyond our circle of influence. What we have within our power, however, is the ability to ensure that our families are in a position to give us a final farewell in a manner that does not add to their grief. Planning for one’s death is the best way of ensuring this happens.

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