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So You Want to Become a Writer?

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It is said that writing is one of the most popular jobs nowadays. For one, it is a flexible kind of job because you can work in an office or at home. It can also challenge your creative juices, depending on the given topic. In some cases, some writers encounter various topics to write about daily.

The art of writing might not be for everyone, but everyone can still try anyway. Companies such as studentreasures.com offer free online courses on student book publishing, which you can try to polish your writing skills. Regardless, choosing writing as a career has its own set of perks. But first, you need to consider several factors before becoming a writer as a profession.

Launching a career in writing

There are some people out there who have the natural knack for writing. Some of them might not be gifted in public speaking but have the skill with the pen. You can choose to be a writer for various media such as in magazines, books, academic papers, manuals/guides, websites, and social media, among a few.

If you want to be a writer, you need to be familiar with grammar and sentence structure. Your sentences should be well thought of and adequately organized so that your readers can easily understand them. Speaking of readers, you should also consider your audience when creating written content.

1. Writing for children

If your readers are in kindergarten, you need to use words that they can easily understand. Sentences should also be simple for them.

girl writing

2. Writing for teenagers

For teens, you can use so-called “millennial” terms in your work. However, the latter depends whether the said piece is for a teen magazine. Otherwise, you would have to use words that aren’t too technical.

3. Writing for professionals

Some technical writers specialize in specific fields such as IT, medicine, or engineering. Technical writers should be knowledgeable about the topic as it also involves using complicated terms, especially if their readers are professionals.

Doing research

There are a lot of writers who can write almost just about anything as part of their job. From health and fitness, IT, business, current events, traveling, and any other topic you can think about, you can expect to gain knowledge about such issues that you never cared for before. If you want to become successful in this career, you should also be an avid reader. Reading will help you gain a lot of knowledge that will help a lot in your writing career.

Where will you write?

You can write for various media companies. Some write for blog sites, while others write for academic, fiction, or non-fiction books. Meanwhile, some write for magazines while some write manuals mostly for white-collar workers.

In the end, writing can be such an exciting venture. It can unleash your creativity and challenge your writing skills. If you want to make a profit out of writing, there are courses that you can enroll in to enhance your writing skills. Good luck!

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