The Steps to Process Server Services

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Process server services tend to follow the same steps, whether they are from the sheriff’s office or a company offering these services, as illustrated in this video. These are standard steps followed, assuming the papers are served. There is also a provision for instances where the process server fails to serve the papers.

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Most law firms request process server services to ensure the other party in their court cases receives documents quickly. This helps ensure there are no delays and that their clients get justice. They also receive confirmation that the papers were delivered. The service packs may be at the law firm or courthouse.

The first one or two pages on the service pack may be the return to the service page. Sometimes they are clipped separately from the other papers. If not, the process server has to separate and hold onto them. This way, they remain safe.

Serving papers is the most important step in the process of server services. This means locating and handing over the documents to the right person. Often, the process is seamless. However, sometimes, finding the person may prove difficult. When the papers are successfully served, the process server fills out the return of service page and files it with the court clerk. This is evidence that the person received the papers, and is aware of the court process.

If everything goes well, a process server may finish the process in one day. However, when there are hitches, such as difficulty locating the person, or if the person refuses to open their door, the process server services may last a few days or even a couple of weeks.


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