people in co-working space

Ideas for the Décor Items in Your Co-Working Space

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Working in your home office by yourself can get lonely and boring. Moreover, you would have minimal or less-than-perfect space for hosting your corporate guests. The solution to both issues lies in working outside your home. For most entrepreneurs, this is a definite no-no since they cannot afford the high expenses of renting office space. This might have been so in times past. Thankfully, there is now an inexpensive solution for working outside your home in a trendy and professional-looking area.

This is in a shared workspace based in an upscale location in Orlando. Here, you will get basic furniture and access to a conference room for your meetings, common relaxation areas, kitchenettes, and Wi-Fi, depending on your package. Your fee will also pay for cleaning services and other amenities essential for the optimal running of an office. For some entrepreneurs, however, shared workspaces are not an option. They are looking for a personalized space and assume that this cannot be found in a co-working space since the décor alternatives are limited. Even so, here are some decor items that will transform your shared office space into a trendy work environment.


For some entrepreneurs, the only artwork in their co-working space is their brand’s logo. Hanging eye-catching paintings on the walls of your space will, however, introduce an interesting and reflective aspect to it. The right colors for your paintings can also get your creative juices flowing and power up your day. Some spaces have artwork incorporated into their dividers. When aiming for personalization, ensure you pick pieces that match the designs and colors on the existing artwork.

Unique Furniture

Your office space will come with a dedicated desk and chair. You can customize the available space with some unique furniture additions. These are those that feature unique shapes, designs, and colors. You can, for instance, opt for a bright-colored ottoman and patterned wing chair rather than the traditional waiting benches and chairs. Either way, ensure the furniture pieces you pick are not so bulky that they take up all the space in your office and make it look cramped.

Personal Artifacts

wooden work desk

Nothing will make your office feel more like home, like some personal artifacts. These include souvenirs and photos or a board with personalized or encouraging messages that will motivate you through the day. The personal artifacts in your co-working space also go some way in assuring clients of your company’s stability. This is because they make it look like you are there for the long haul.

Decorative Lighting

Natural lighting is one of the best choices for a highly productive workspace. Not all offices can, however, be located next to the picture windows for maximum natural lighting. You can include some lighting fixtures in your space to act as both décor and functional elements. These fixtures also create a warm ambiance in your workspace.

The above decor items are guaranteed to make your shared working space a productive one that you will want to work in. You thus should not be fooled into assuming shared office spaces are cold and drab-looking ones. Provided you pick the right building, you are sure to have the best-looking workspace.

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