a commercial space

Making a Statement: These Parts of the Room Set Expectations

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A place of business has four walls in each room. What you do with each room to attract attention and make an impression sets the image of your company and even gives visitors and clients a glimpse into your priorities.

Be aware of how each design choice can work for or against you. Superior Concrete Solutions knows this. Specifically, pay attention to these elements:


What is a museum without the expensive art pieces on display? Sure, the highlight is the collection hanging on the walls, but this does not mean the floor becomes invisible.

In fact, they become part of a successful gallery, especially if you are running a 3D museum or a selfie museum. Even in traditional museums in Alabama, the use of metallic epoxy floor finishing may set you apart from other places.

It’s not only the quality and rarity of artwork that defines your image; it’s also how you design your museum in such a way that everyone knows where to focus their attention, with all elements of design working together to give visitors the best possible experience.

Receiving Area

As soon as the visitor enters your premises, they should already feel welcomed. The receiving area has two distinct purposes that go beyond just serving as a waiting room: it introduces your business to the visitor and shows them you care about their comfort.

Most of the receiving areas you see in hotels are open and spacious, with only the most comfortable chairs for visitors to use while waiting. Even a dentist’s office invests in a receiving area that reduces anxiety, particularly if they deal with very young children.


The easiest and most versatile area to design and redesign is all around you. The walls can be used in different ways. You can use it to tell the story of the company in a timeline or through a series of murals.

If you prefer something simpler, it can be lined with your certifications and achievements as a professional or as a recognized company in your industry. Even simpler, choose to design it in colors that entice a certain mood, to prepare everyone for the day they have ahead.

an office space


You may not think it contributes to the image of your company, but that’s where you’re wrong. The simple choice to go with gender-inclusive washrooms already tells visitors something about your company, your values, and your stand in important issues. You haven’t spoken yet, but your washroom has already shared a clear message on your behalf.

The cleanliness of the bathroom also reflects the level of attention you give your employees. As executives may have their own bathroom suites, it’s the rank and file employees who will use these washrooms on a daily basis.

Not providing them with the basics — ample supply of toilet paper and soap, and regular cleaning — means you don’t care for the health of your employees, which may be a turn off for applicants and even potential business partners.

You can be a celebrated keynote speaker who also happens to head a business, but even before you can talk, the business premises have already given away a lot. Make sure the message they send out is beneficial to your image.

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