The Importance of Web Design for Your Growing Online Business

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The internet has changed the way we do business. Through it, things are now easier for businesses to find and connect with consumers.

Nowadays, the internet is the primary way for consumers to shop for everything they need. In 2018, 258.9 million people purchased from an online store at least once in the United States. By 2023, the total number of digital buyers is expected to rise to 300 million or about 91% of the entire country’s population.

The internet is the marketplace of the future. For a fledgling business, how do you break into eCommerce?

First, start with your website. Having just a functioning website, however, is no longer enough in this day and age. It also has to look good and be easy to navigate. Unless you are sure of your abilities, hiring one of the capable web design services in Northampton would be a good business decision.

Here are the many ways a professional web designer can help your business:

A Good Website Sets a Good Impression

Your website is the digital face of your business. Your consumers will take one look at it and decide whether your business is trustworthy or not.

An unappealing website can immediately turn your consumers away before you even get the chance to pitch your products and services. They will brand your business as “shady” and will not push through with a purchase. An elegantly-designed website, on the other hand, draws people in and makes them feel welcome.

A Good Website Increases Customer Conversion

Your website should be designed with the consumer in mind. Your website should be easy to use so consumers will be able to find exactly what they are looking for. There should be a navigation bar or a menu that lists down all the products and services you offer. There should also be fewer distractions that may turn your consumers away before they even find what they are looking for. A professional web designer will know the elements that will turn web visits into product sales.

A Good Website Helps Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy

There are elements in a website that will influence the content you publish. This affects how search engines, primarily Google, will index your website. This is crucial for your business’ success. Search engine optimization (or SEO) helps your business reach potential customers. No matter how good your products or services are, if your website is not SEO-friendly, you will be fighting a difficult battle for visibility.

A Good Website Also Has a Mobile Layout


Since 2016, mobile devices have become the most popular way the public accesses the internet. According to the data by Statista, in North America, 50.35% of web page views are from mobile devices (excluding tablets). If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, you would be losing business. A good website should be responsive, which means that it should be able to adjust based on screen size and shape.

Your website’s design is going to directly affect not just the reputation of your business but, most importantly, your sales. A good website designer can help you create a visually appealing website that is easy to use, with no distractions, optimized for search engines, and ready to be perused by mobile users.

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