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The Inverted Pyramid: Creating Incredible Web Content

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Traditional journalists have been using the inverted pyramid for ages, but can it be used for web content?

Whether you’re a software engineer or an oral surgeon, you need a solid digital marketing strategy to enhance your online presence. Engaging content is one of the factors that will draw in people to visit your website and potentially be paying clients.

How can you attract people into visiting your site, reading your content, and becoming a client?

What is the inverted pyramid?

Unlike novel writing that prepares the reader for the climax, the inverted pyramid aims to grab the reader’s attention from the start and make them want to read more. Journalists use this writing technique while keeping in mind that people are busy and have little time to read.

When writing with the inverted pyramid in mind, the main point comes first, and the details follow. By hooking readers with the main points of the story, they can decide whether to continue reading the details or stop reading the article.

Why use the inverted pyramid for web content?

The inverted pyramid may be used in news writing, but it can also help you with writing SEO-friendly articles, driving engagement, and boosting brand awareness.

  • Creating block-based content

Search engines like Google now use entire paragraphs from posts to answer searched queries through answer boxes or featured snippets. The inverted pyramid helps you create a well-written paragraph with all the essentials, increasing its chance of being featured by Google as a snippet.

  • Increased SEO-friendliness

Using the inverted pyramid technique creates content that readers and search engines can absorb more easily. Going straight to the point answers questions users have, and they can potentially read on to learn more details. This can trigger a reader’s reaction, bringing you qualified leads and conversions to your site.

  • Enhanced awareness and engagement

With the limited attention span of readers, tackling the main point right away can grab their attention. By writing a compelling headline, excerpt, and details, you can provoke the emotions of readers, making them discuss, share, and engage with your brand.

Writing using the inverted pyramid

typing on laptop

Writing with the inverted pyramid in mind involves three steps:

  • Begin with the lead. Think of a compelling headline, statement, or anecdote. It must answer the questions who, what, where, when, why, and how.
  • Get into the details. Once you’ve captured the reader’s attention, provide them with a background of the story. Place the main points of each detail in the first part of the paragraph, then build on that point.
  • Tell the background story. Add context, such as the root of the problem, related statistics, and other information you may think the reader might find valuable.

Creating content using the inverted pyramid involves critically thinking about your article. Answer the question your main topic wants to address and plan out how you want to present significant points. Structure your topics with headings and sub-headings for easy writing and organizing.

Can you use the inverted pyramid for each type of content?

The structure of the inverted pyramid may not work for every type of content. If you’re writing news articles, press releases, product descriptions, or other explanatory materials, this style could work. For content that revolves around suspense and a big reveal, it’s better if you try a different approach.

If you’re stuck with how you can drive someone to read your article, consider using the inverted pyramid technique. By starting with a hook and adding the details later, you’ll keep readers wanting more.

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