washing a window

Using a Window Cleaning Service

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Cleaning windows is a task that often gets neglected because, to be honest, it’s a pain to deal with. Hiring a professional window cleaning service is a good idea as there is a big difference in a professional cleaning vs. DIY. Cleaning companies have the experience and the equipment to remove, clean and replace window screens, clean window frames, skylights and even window sills. Sit back and enjoy the sight of your backyard and a beautiful day from inside your home through beautifully cleaned windows.

A professional cleaning crew saves you time and can also handle other odd cleaning jobs you choose to outsource. Once window cleaning has been outsourced, there are a few things that have to be taken care of:

  • Cleaning blinds: This is one aspect of cleaning that doesn’t get much attention. Dust from blinds can get on a window’s surface. Just before the windows get cleaned, dust and clean blinds for a perfect job. The other option is to check if they can do that as well.
  • Odd jobs: Since window cleaning companies have tall ladders and other equipment, they will be able to do things such as cleaning fans which you are unable to reach, change light bulbs in chandeliers etc. Check on charges with such services beforehand, before outsourcing it to them.
  • Cleaning window screens: Most oftener than not, window screens are on the outside, and they get dirty from the rain and general weather. They need a thorough cleaning from time to time using soap and water. If the screens are on the inside, they can be cleaned with just a wet towel and a wipe down.

Other good reasons to hire a professional cleaning company

cleaning the window

Cleaning companies can spot problems like wood rot, damaged window and window screens that don’t fit well. These problems, when caught early, can be fixed properly and also help to save a lot of money. A window cleaning crew can also spot clogged rain gutters and prevent wood rot or flooding. If your home has window shutters, there are chances of having a beehive or nest. These can be cleaned up so that the shutters can be opened and closed with ease. Professional cleaning crews can also spot problems with window frames and recommend a replacement to prevent further damage to the home.

Window cleaning crews also treat different types of glass the way it has to be – for instance, cleaning leaded glass doors with commercial glass cleaning products is not recommended. In some cases, using the wrong type of mulch can also cause problems with the glass. Mold caused by the mulch can be hard to remove, but they can figure out a solution and help keep the exterior of your home or office sparkling clean.

As a customer, it is your responsibility to find out who you are dealing with. Ask for recommendations and also how long they have been in business. Check on what products they use to do their job and whether they use power washers to do the cleaning.

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