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Boosting a Child’s Intellectual Development Through Patterning

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Patterning is a mental function that allows people to make sense of the world around them. This principle, especially active in early childhood, can be a useful tool in coaxing young children to learn important skills like reading and problem-solving.

At an early age, the human brain focuses on patterning—sorting and coding information—which plays a vital role in helping children and adults make sense of the world around them. This process is a useful tool in bolstering the learning process and encouraging the love of learning in a child at an early age. It is especially relevant for fostering the development of reading skills, which require patterning.

As a skill, patterning unlocks many avenues for learning in the child’s formative years. Adults can leverage patterning to encourage their young children to read and solve problems in many amusing ways.  For residents of Melbourne and suburbs like Tootgarook, fostering curiosity and learning in preschool-aged children is as simple as going outdoors to play.

Patterning as a skill is heavily dependent on the sense of sight, and sight-based games and puzzles are often utilized to help develop this skill in very young children. The most obvious of these are pattern-identification games, which teach children the basics of recognizing subtle differences between seemingly similar objects.  But it doesn’t stop there.

Bolster Visual Learning

Young children rely heavily on vision to shape their perception of the world. This could be used to their advantage. Visual learning can easily be incorporated into regular play; parents can help hone their young children’s observational skills through seeking and searching games. Some games of this type include asking a child to identify common shapes and colours in their environment.

Colours are one of the most recognizable aspects of visual learning, being the most obvious detail that many young people can recognize. Being able to identify colours can help young children communicate effectively with their peers and recognize important warnings such as hazard signs. Learning the differences between each colours should be encouraged both at home and in preschool, as would the important distinctions that come with them. Children’s rooms and play areas are ideally brightly coloured; in most cases, children will be able to identify colours on their own pace.

Foster Visualization

Imagination is one of the most potent tools in a child’s intellectual arsenal. By being able to visualize ideas, children can simplify complex puzzles and improve their ability to devise solutions to problems. In addition, visualizing is a crucial skill in reading, allowing children to make connections between spoken and written words. By asking children to visualize words and concepts in their imaginations, they build the necessary comprehension skills to master literacy.

Encouragement Through Behaviour Patterns

happy kid

Patterning does not only involve visual learning exercises. Sometimes, children can be more subtly be coaxed to try out new things by showing them patterns of behaviour. Young children are naturally curious about what adults do and encouraging them to do

For instance, they may inspire children to read through showing the enjoyment and benefits derived from reading. Parents can encourage their children to read for fun by sharing their favourite parts of a story they’ve read. They could also inspire more hands-on children by showing them what can be accomplished by reading instructions; a child will find the rewards of building a new toy or making a delicious meal.

Both parents and teachers should be patient with young children because of their short attention spans. Their learning process is best met with constant active stimulus.

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